York Pennsylvania

The City, County, and the Area  

Organizations , Clubs , and Associations


Get your local nonprofit organization or club listed here. Ue the feedback button to tell us about your site, standard meeting times, etc,

bulletAmerican Association of University Women York Branch
bulletARC  works toward the goal of having people with mental retardation fully
participate in civil, social, educational, health and employment activities in the communities in which they reside, with the opportunity to grow to their fullest potential in every way.
bulletChildren's Home of York - a nonprofit agency providing services to emotionally disturbed, dependent and delinquent children from York and surrounding counties
bulletChristian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania Mount Joy
bulletChild Care Consultants, Inc. (CCC) is a non-profit child care resource and referral agency serving parents, providers, employers, and the community in central Pennsylvania.
bulletCrispus Attucks Organization of York, Pennsylvania -  a comprehensive, non-profit entity dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for a diverse population.
bulletKiwanis Club of York
bulletGlen Rock Carolers Association  
bulletInstitute of Management Accountants - York Chapter
bulletLa Leche League of York, Pennsylvania new2.gif (284 bytes)
bulletLost & Found Horse Rescue
bulletMarine Corps League - York Chapter 1st Capitol Detachment #521
bulletNational Student Nurses' Association
bulletParent Education Network is Pennsylvania's statewide Parent Training and Information Center.
bulletSince 1787, The Pennsylvania Prison Society has been in the vanguard of effecting improvements in prison conditions and in the treatment of prisoners. new2.gif (284 bytes)
bulletPennsylvania State Snowmobile Association
bulletRotary Club of York
bullet The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America - York Pennsylvania Chapter new2.gif (284 bytes)
bulletUnited States Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association York Chapter
bulletUnited Way of York County
bulletWelcome Wagon Newcomers Club of Greater York  new2.gif (284 bytes) "Here to help you!.  Explore your new community..Meet new people..Make connections with others in similar transition phases..Find resources for healthcare, schools, and churches..Discover tips on dining, shopping, and leisure activities..Feel connected with monthly meetings and newsletters."
bulletWomen's Network of York
bulletYork/Adams County Central Labor Council
bulletYork Folk Dance Association
bulletYork Foundation  a charitable endowment for York County
bulletYork Home School Association, Inc.
bulletYork Jewish Community Center
bulletYork Rose Society
bulletYork Towne Chapter Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen
bulletYMCA Of York

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